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shipping department中文是什么意思

用"shipping department"造句"shipping department"怎么读"shipping department" in a sentence


  • 成品发运间
  • 成品库
  • 船务部


  • The lack of personnel has caused a bottleneck in the shipping department
  • Provide necessary information to shipping department and make a delivery preparation
  • Your purchase is referred to our shipping department as soon as payment is cleared , and is prioritized on that basis
  • We have passed on your complaint to our shipping department that handled your co nsignment , and have asked them to send us a report
  • I ' m terribly sorry . could you leave your telephone number so i can call you after i check the situation with the shipping department
  • B : i ' m terribly sorry . could you leave your telephone number so i can call you after i check the situation with the shipping department
  • I assure you that our shipping department has been alerted to the error and is taking action to send you a correct order immediately
  • We notify you that we have today taken into partnership with mr . f . s . , who has had charge of our shipping department for the past ten years
    从即日起,我们请在过去十年中在敝公司担任船舶主任的f . s .先生为我们的合伙人,特此告知。
  • I understand that , but yesterday i was informed by our shipping department that liner space for north america up to the end of this month has been fully booked
  • Please be informed that , as a result of the incident , our shipping department employees will undergo further training to prevent such mistakes from happening again
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"shipping department"造句  
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